Very easy but very messy so kids are going to love it. This is definately one for slightly older children. Kids can get involved in the making and the playing (and most adults I know can't get enough of it too). I made it with my friend's 3 year old son and he sat playing with it for nearly an hour. Anyone who has an active 3 year old knows that's a great acheivement. It is cheap to make too.
- 1 300g Packet of corn flour
- 1 Cup of Water
- food colouring if you want to make it coloured.
Mix the water into the corn flour and it is ready to go!.
When made it should feed firm when you press on top but when you scoop it up with your hands it sort of becomes soft and drippy.
This is a great science game for the kids, you can make different colours and mix them and experiment with what happens when you add more water.
It is messy but cleans up easily with water. Warning if you use food colouring and children play in it for long they may end up dying their hands.
The science doesn't end with colours. Corn starch (flour) and water is an example of a non-newtonian fluid!