"Five Little Ducks Went Out One Day........."
My son absolutely loves the 5 Little Ducks Song so I decided to knock up these cute little finger puppets and hand puppet for the the mother duck. For the hand puppet, I didn't use a pattern but if you would like one let me know and I will draw one up and add it to the page. I have just included the instructions for the finger puppets below. The finger puppets were really simple, the hand puppet was not as simple but I could manage it with my elementary sewing skills. I used a sewing machine but you could easily do by hand or glue them together.
What you need
- 1 piece of yellow felt - 1 square was enough
- 1 piece of orange felt - small amount for the beaks
- yellow feathers if desired
Simply cut out 10 finger sized pieces of the yellow felt for the bodies and 5 small triangles of the orange felt for the beaks.
Place the feather on one piece of felt facing down.
Fold the triange in half to make a beak shape place it inside the felt, place another felt body piece on top and pin around the edge.

Sew a seam around the edge.
Now all you have to do in invert, draw on some eyes and your ducks are ready!.
Just FYI my son did enjoy having a good "munch" on the ducks and they survived to they are officially baby proof. Just make sure if you use the feathers they they are secure and won't come loose.
Five Little Ducks Song
Five little ducks went out one day over the hills and far away
Mumma duck said 'quack quack quack quack'
but only four little ducks came back
Four little ducks went out one day over the hills and far away
Mumma duck said 'quack quack quack quack'
but only three little ducks came back
Three little ducks went out one day over the hills and far away
Mumma duck said 'quack quack quack quack'
but only two little ducks came back
Two little ducks went out one day over the hills and far away
Mumma duck said 'quack quack quack quack'
but only once little duck came back
One little duck went out one day over the hills and far away
Mumma duck said 'quack quack quack quack'
but none of her five little ducks came back
Sad mumma duck went out one day over the hills and far away
Mumma duck said 'quack quack quack quack'
and all of her five little ducks came back
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